Let members and customers create a unique book from your collection of magazine and journal articles. They can mix and match articles, place them in a desired order and even customize the front cover and title page.
Brightdoc® software then creates the cover and title page, renumbers the pages, and generates a new table of contents. You can promote your organization by including your own front and back matter.
Purchasers may order single copies for personal use, which professors and other instructors can create custom teaching materials. Some purchasers may wish to use these to educate their clients.
Greeting Cards
Greeting cards are a great way to generate non-dues revenue while providing a product your members are likely to buy from someone anyway—why not your organization?
Whether it’s holiday cards or thank you notes, your members can create personalized items right at your Brightdoc® site. And, if they have a big mailing, they can upload a mailing list and we’ll address the envelopes for them. In fact, we’ll even put on a stamp and take them to the post office if they like.
Optionally, the back of each card can be customized so that people will know that purchases went to support your organization’s activities.
You can also create cards that are meant only for internal use—that way you can keep control over your organization’s image without having to be involved in each purchase. Our cards are beautifully printed on heavy-weight stock and UV coated for superior appearance. Ask for a sample.
Using one our professional designs or designs specific to your organization, people can order their own special calendar. If you like, people can add their own pictures and special dates.
Businesses can create calendars that they can distribute to their clients while supporting your organization. They get a beautiful calendar to distribute while helping their association.
Several formats of calendars are available to choose from. All are printed on heavy-weight stock and the covers are all UV coated to give them an exceptional look.
If you publish a magazine or journal, customized reprints can be a great source of extra revenue. Some reprint providers require a minimum order size. With Brightdoc®, orders can be as small as one.
Purchasers can customize each reprint with their name and/or logo along with a special message, whatever you want them to be able to do, thus increasing the value of the reprint. Authors of articles, educators, trainers and salespeople who want to keep their clients and prospects informed are excellent candidates for ordering reprints.
There’s no limit to the number of reprints you can have on-line. You choose what you want to make available. We can show you ways to maximize your reprint sales.
Product Literature
Would your members like to have customized product literature in their offices? Instead of a generic piece with a big white rectangle for their label or rubber stamp they can have a unique piece just for them. It will look like they had it professionally designed and printed—because it was.
Business Cards
Whether for your own internal use or for members, business card templates can be highly personalized and ordered on-line. You choose the text formatting and placement of photos or logos.
No extra charge.
Postcards are a great way for your members to promote their businesses. You can help them by offering a variety of professionally designed templates to which they just add their own text and images. By providing professional designs you can be sure your members are maintaining their image and that of your organization.
If they want, they can upload a mailing list and we’ll address them. We’ll even take them to the post office.
Whether they hang in their office or are sent out to clients, you can offer your members professionally designed personalized posters that can be ordered in quantities as small as one. You can even offer a series that can be purchased as a pack.
Available in three sizes from 11 x 17 to 14 x 20, these posters are beautifully printed in full-color and ready to frame.

Books on Demand
Year after year, studies have shown that members consider their association publications as one of the most important membership benefits. Yet, in these tough economic times it’s hard to sink lots of cash into a publications inventory. You can’t be sure how many to order. Order too few and you’re constantly going back for reprints. Order too many and you’re tying up lots of money in an inventory item of declining value. And, you’re paying to store it. And, you’re paying every time someone has to retrieve it.
With Brightdoc® and its automated print-on-demand system, no publication need ever go out-of-print. And, you have the option of revising it whenever you like without any worry about making your inventory obsolete.
You may be surprised to find that when all the factors are considered, printing on demand is quite cost-effective.
In an era where we are all asked to be “green,” the best way to avoid wasting resources is to not print something that hasn’t been purchased. Plus, consider the fuel saved by not delivering large shipments to warehouses, and then later on to the recycling plant.